Here we are, not even a month away from the election
of Donald Trump and my last publishers note, “Creating
Opportunity out of Crisis”, rings so much truer today than
when I penned it last month. So, I felt, after the results of
the last election that I would try to be an encouragement
rather than a pessimist, by continuing part two of “Creating
Opportunity out of Crisis”.
In the last issue of Leslie I predicted that we might not win
this election and that Donald Trump, and the Republicans
might win. “We may not win this election. Trump may win.
Another crisis or another opportunity?” At that time, little
did I know that Donald Trump would not only win the
electoral college, but he would also win the popular vote,
and the Republican Party would maintain their majority in
the US Congress and win a majority in the US Senate. All
while controlling the Supreme Court.
Moreover, the LGBTQ community would fail to elect our
own Doug Greco as Mayor, the Texas Legislature would
become more Republican, and South Texas Hispanics
would vote Republican for the first time, dashing any
hopes of turning Texas purple, much-the-less blue, any
time soon.
We must ask ourselves what are we going to do with this
election crisis?
Will we choose to be defeated, or we will use this crisis and
turn it into an opportunity? As I said in my last issue, “If we
let it, this crisis can become an opportunity”.
My friends, as a community we are indeed in crises mode,
but not for long. I have confidence and faith in each of you
in our Austin and San Antonio queer communities that we
will turn this crisis into an opportunity!
Creating Opportunity Out of Crisis Part II
Sunshine Vinyl is a queer-owned vinyl record storein Austin, Texas. Started by Luca Kisielius. Lucaopened their doors to the LGBTQ+ communityand all allies in June, 2024. Luca says “Our goal…