Texas Lege Starts All Out Attack on LGBT Texans This Session
The rightward lean that America tiltedtowards on election night was especially feltthroughout the state government in Texas.The 89th Session of the State Legislaturewill begin on January 15th with Republicanshaving expanded…
Arthur Hood: The Man Who Never Quits
Spending his childhood in the Deep South, ArthurHood had always envisioned a better life for himself.While he enjoyed the successes of his family’schemical business, he felt no desire to follow…
Sunshine Vinyl is a queer-owned vinyl record storein Austin, Texas. Started by Luca Kisielius. Lucaopened their doors to the LGBTQ+ communityand all allies in June, 2024. Luca says “Our goal…
Creating Opportunity Out of Crisis Part II
Here we are, not even a month away from the electionof Donald Trump and my last publishers note, “CreatingOpportunity out of Crisis”, rings so much truer today thanwhen I penned…